8约会句子吵架英语1 20求职面试的单词工作对话

发布 2019-04-25 23:46:35 阅读 2177

the 8th lesson



1. 关于约会的句子《英语对话词典》

2. 吵架时必备的英语。




1. 1、关于约会的对话(选自《英语对话词典》p46-51)

一、date romance

(男女间的)约会; 约会对象

a: dude, did you see that babe over there? i'm dating her.

a: 老兄!看见那边那个美女没有? 我正在跟她约会喔!

b: man, you're lucky.

b: 你真是运气好!

1. marry is his date.玛丽是他的约会对象。

和某人约会」除了用 "date" ,还可以用 "romance"这个字。比如: "beck and ada h**e been dating for years.

" 可以说成:"beck and ada h**e been romancing for years.",都是「beck 跟 ada 爱情长跑多年的意思」。

2. in the traditional dating pattern , much of the responsibility(职责; 任务; 负担)for a date falls to the man. 按传统的约会方式,男人要对约会采取主动。

注意名词的" date" 和 "appointment" 不可混用。appointment" 是男女以外的约会, 如医生、工作面谈的约。万一你跟你的医生说:

"i'd like to h**e a date with you.",他可能会眼睛、嘴巴都张得很大。


现在常用来指美女,辣妹 eg. she's a babe!

hi there, babe! 喂,小妞儿!

baby 除本来婴儿之意外也可称呼自己心爱的人,一般是男叫女的。但是也可以女生称呼男朋友,一见钟情 fall in love at first sight

nausea n.反呕, 作呕; 晕船极度的厌恶; 引人极度厌恶的东西。

the sight fills him with nausea. 这情景使他厌恶。

hey, what's going on here?喂,这儿怎么回事?

that old uncle of yours is a queer[kwr] fish. 你那个老叔叔是个怪人。

he's a strange character.他是个怪人。

n. [口]怪人, 奇人性质, 特征性格, 品性, 人格; 名声, 身分, 地位, 资格(**、戏剧中的)人物, 角色, 人物[性格]素描知名人物, 引人注意的人。

what'll i do if the boss is a jerk!上司如果是个怪人,怎么办?

some people think of him as a strange person.某些人把他看作是怪人。

1. 求职和工作中相关的单词。

1.background n.出身背景,经历。

2.institute n.学院,(大专)学校。

3.probation n.试用期,见习期。

4.resign vt.辞职。

5.curriculum vitae/resume简历。

6.career n.事业;职业。

7.reference n 推荐信。

8.trainee n.实习生,受训练的人。

9.bonus n.奖金。

10.joint-venture enterprise合资企业 venture :n.冒险, 投机, 风险 v.冒险, 冒昧, 斗胆, 胆敢(谦语)

1 1.foreign-invested enterprise外资企业 invested v.投(资), 购买(有用之物)~,授予, 投资。

13.qualification n.资格,条件证书。

14.`personnel department 人事处,人事部门。

15.pension scheme养老金制度。

16.medical insurance医疗保险。

17.`vacancy n. [veikeensi]n. (工作)空缺空, 空白,空闲, 清闲, 空虚

opening n. 开, 开放, 开始, 口子, 穴, 通路, 空缺, 机会。

18.working condition工作条件。

19.expected salary期望的薪水。

20. applicant 申请者求职者。

a.asking questions in a job interview

l .would you mind answering a few personal


2.what sort of work do you do at the company?

3-where did you get your degree?

4-why h**e you applied for this job?

5 would you begin by telling me something

about yourself?

6 h**e you done any office work before?

7.what do you know about our company?

you prefer working with others 0r by


you willing to go where the company

sends you?

o what ale your career goals?

b. answering questions in a job interview

1 no,not at all.

2.1 work on commercial accounts

3 at the university of business administration.

enjoy doing something more challenging

would you like to know?

6.1 wore as a junior clerk with a bank for

two years.

7.i prefer to work with others.

8.i'll be able to use what i learnt in school.

9.i hope t0 be a qualified salesman/teacher/


most interested in doing office work/

being a salesman/being an assistant


practice 1